Plan a visit
Welcome to Fruitful Vine! We are so excited you are considering visiting out church! Visisting a new church can be intimidating at times. Below are the answers to many commonly asked questions so you can feel the most comfortable possible when visiting. Any other questions? Feel free to fill out the form or email us at
Commonly Asked Questions:
What time is church?
Church is Sunday morning at 10:30am
What can I expect when I arrive?
When you arrive you will be warmly greeted by our hospitality team. As a guest you will be given a welcome gift. You may then make your way into the sanctuary and sit wherever you are most comfortable.
Does it matter what I wear or who I am?
Simply stated, Fruitful Vine is all about Jesus. You won't be met with shame, guilt, or condemnation. We don't care how you're dressed or your past mistakes. Our church is made up of imperfect people who have found a second chance and new life through the blood grace of our Lord Jesus Christ! Our goal is to make hurting people whole through Jesus.
Where is church?
9 Burning Bush Blvd. Ballston Lake, New York 12019
Where can my kids go?
Children will stay with their parents/guardians during worship time. Then after announcements we provide junior church for them in the children’s wing to the right of the sanctuary. You may then pick them up after church ends.
Am I expected to give?
As a guest, you are not expected to give any tithes or offerings during the service. We do collect an offering, but it is for members of the Fruitful Vine to give back to God and expand the Kingdom of God with their finances. You should not feel any pressure to participate.
If you later do wish to become a member of the Fruitful Vine, we encourage you to prayerfully consider giving regularly.
What can I expect out of a regular service?
Our services are typically 70 to 90 minutes.
Our worship team leads us in 25 to 35 minutes of anointed worship. Our worship style includes mostly popular/contemporary praise and worship music, as well as occasional classic hymns. Song lyrics are projected onto big screens so you can sing along and/or engage with worship however you feel most comfortable.
Pastor Ernie will preach a 45 to 60 minute message. Sermons are practical, easy to understand, and powerful! The goal of every message is to know God more, understand His word, and apply it to your life.
At the end of every service, the pray team is at the front of the sanctuary available to listen pray for you if you need it.
Still got questions? Fill out the form below and we will respond as soon as possible.